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February 03, 2024

GIIS Nagpur pays solemn respect to the noble heroes on Martyrs Day  

We, at GIIS Nagpur, inculcate great values among our children to nurture them as the ambassadors of positive change so that they can become responsible citizens of the country. As a part of this endeavour, Martyr Day was commemorated at our campus with a special assembly. 

Martyrs Day is dedicated to paying homage to the courageous soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their motherland. It also marks the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. The significance of Martyrs Day helps us understand the value of freedom and the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters to attain it. 

On this day, our students paid respect to Gandhi Ji’s portrait by offering flowers. They also paid a poignant tribute in the form of a patriotic song and dance performance that moved the audience. The students enacted a patriotic skit to depict the unwavering determination, selfless sacrifices, and courage of the freedom fighters which paved the way for India’s eventual liberation. It brought back the poignant memories of India’s struggle for freedom. 

Our entire school observed two minutes of silence to reflect on the sacrifices of the heroes. It was truly a heartfelt moment for everyone present. The assembly left a lasting impression on the students emphasizing to preservation of the martyr’s legacy for future generations. 

At GIIS Nagpur, our core value of having a curriculum with fun and happy elements makes learning highly productive and enjoyable for our students. 

Through our 9 GEMS pedagogy, we ensure a truly innovative programme that uses an age-appropriate and adaptive approach to allow students to evolve as they grow.  

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