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March 25, 2024

GIIS Nagpur hosts Engineering Extravaganza driving innovation in the field STEM

GIIS Nagpur recently hosted the Engineering Extravaganza, a dynamic and interactive exhibition highlighting innovation and discovery in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This event brought together students, teachers, parents, and industry experts, providing a platform to delve into the intriguing concepts within STEM.

The exhibition featured an array of remarkable projects, captivating experiments, and engaging workshops, all of which underscored the significance and relevance of STEM education in today's rapidly evolving world. Attendees were treated to demonstrations that showcased the practical applications of STEM principles, fostering a deeper understanding among participants.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the dedicated teachers, mentors, enthusiastic students, and all participants whose collective efforts contributed to the success of this event. Their commitment and passion were instrumental in creating an unforgettable and enriching experience for all involved.

Overall, the Engineering Extravaganza at GIIS Nagpur was a resounding success, serving as a testament to the empowerment of future generations of innovators and visionaries. It underscored the importance of nurturing curiosity and fostering a love for learning in the pursuit of making meaningful contributions to society.

At GIIS Nagpur, our core value of having a curriculum with fun and happy elements makes learning a highly productive and enjoyable exercise for our students. 

We realize that success in the contemporary world relies not just on aptitude, but also on creativity. Through our 9 GEMS pedagogy, we ensure a truly innovative programme that uses an age-appropriate and adaptive approach to allow students to evolve as they grow. 


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