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July 20, 2018

Annual Prize Day a motivator to excel through smart goals

Winners are those who put in their effort and focus on developing their skills consistently towards realization of their goals. The Annual Prize Day was a grand ceremony to felicitate the students for their remarkable achievement in Academics at GIIS Whitefield for the last Academic Year 2017-18. It was held in July 2018 for the Primary and Secondary segment respectively.

Thomas Edison had rightly stated ‘that Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration and this holds true for all our students who were felicitated for their stupendous performance in academics. GIISians cheered all the inspiring genius from every grade as they were felicitated with scholar badges, medals, trophies and certificates. The parents of the winners were present to witness the proud moment of their child’s life. The spark of joy in each parent’s eyes also reflected in the eyes of the children who were thrilled to see their parents witness them getting the scholar badges, certificates and trophies.

In the Grade 1-5 category, the students who have scored aggregate A+ / above 90% in evaluation were honoured with scholar badges and the students who have been regular to school with 100% attendance were appreciated with trophies. In the Grade 6-9 category there were 2 more categories wherein the overall subject toppers received medals and the overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank holders, each received a trophy.

The zeal to excel comes with practice and students who have been felicitated have shown their hard work and dedication all through the year. Dr. Shivananda C S (Principal) congratulated every winner and motivated every student in the audience to evolve as a winner as every GIISian is equally gifted and capable of achieving the best in academics at school. Coordinators - Ms. Aracha Sinha and Ms. Anuradha J gave the vote of thanks to all the parents and appreciated the hard work of all the winners and the support of parents. They thanked the entire staff and teachers for their complete assistance in making the Annual Prize Day a grand success.

The parents were also very happy to be part of this major event and expressed their gratitude to the Principal and the teachers for nurturing the children in the right direction. Mrs. Meena Govindraj (mother of Anushka Govindraj-Grade 9), Mrs. Annapoorni Suresh (mother of Sanjit Suresh-Grade 10 and Sujay Suresh-Grade 7), Mr. Gaurav Gupta (father of Mishti Gupta-Grade 6) and Mrs. Sitalakshmi Srikanth (mother of Arjun Srikanth-Grade 8 and Balram Srikanth-Grade 4) were among the many parents who expressed their happiness towards the wonderfully organized ceremony that helped them capture the expressions of their children while they were felicitated on stage. They appreciated the new initiatives by the Principal. Parents also liked the way the Student Council members led them to the venue with due respect and a smile.

Among students, Sankalp of Grade 6 said that he felt proud upon being felicitated by Principal Sir in front of his parents. He had won an award earlier while studying at GIIS Malaysia and this was his second achievement in GIIS Whitefield. Similarly, Anushka Vinaykumar of Grade 10, the overall topper in most of the subjects, expressed her views and said that her mantra to success was hard work, time management and complete self-control with respect to using gadgets or watching television, without having to be prompted. Students who saw their friends receive the awards were happy for them. The winners were an inspiration for all other students as they too were determined to set their goals and achieve the same.

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