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August 07, 2020

Virtual Career Counselling Session for Grade 9 onwards

Global Indian International School, Noida organized a career counselling session through Webinar for students and parents of Grade 9-12 on 4th August 2020 by Mr.Vineet Gupta (Co-Founder and MD, Jamboree Education; Founder and Trustee, Ashoka University) and his team.

Career decisions play a pivotal role in shaping the future growth and development of students. In today’s environment of multiple options, knowing about choices available helps children in their decision-making process. The session commenced with the School Academic Coordinator, Ms. Madhuri Kaw reiterating the importance of knowing one’s potential and subject of interest before making a decision. She also urged students to be aware of the multiple options available and take the maximum from the session. She formally welcomed Mr Vineet Gupta and the other team members. 

Mr. Vineet Gupta started the session with a brief account on the parameters on which the success in any field of an individual depends: Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. The session aimed at making the audience aware of the multiple career options available, most sought after careers post-COVID times, the do's and don'ts while preparing for SAT etc., Admission process and eligibility criteria for Ivy League and other top universities abroad. He not only briefed students on top Indian colleges that accept SAT scores but also gave admission insights into the universities in US, UK, Canada, Ireland and Germany.  There was a Q&A segment too, wherein students could clarify all their doubts with him.

Towards the conclusion of the session, Mr Gupta urged all students to select their subjects as per their interest & goal they have set for themselves and start taking smaller steps in that direction from Grade 9 itself. He also emphasized that Grade 11 is a very important class in a student's life that helps build a strong foundation and opens up opportunities for future career options. He also advised students to participate in various extra-curricular activities and community service projects held at various platforms and work towards the profile-enhancement in the coming years with a focussed approach. Eventually, this dialogue-based virtual session turned out to be very interactive, informative and enriching for students as well as parents.

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