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August 25, 2022

Peace Day celebration at GIIS Whitefield

GIIS Whitefield celebrated Peace Day to raise awareness among the students about the importance of peace and harmony in today's world and guide them towards becoming balanced, compassionate, and loving human beings. On this occasion, all the students were encouraged to participate in various activities to and understand how walking on the path of love and sensitivity can lift and transform our world.

Speaking about the cruciality of peace in modern world, Mr Ashwani Kumar Saxena, Principal, GIIS Whitefield quoted-

“Peace is about accepting others, understanding their situations and coming up with solutions that benefit everyone…………As global citizens, it is our responsibility to promote world peace in every way possible and help the world become a better place…….”

Right from pre-primary tots, to primary, middle school, and secondary, students from every segment participated in many activities and expressed their ideas on the importance of peace on this occasion. From making peace symbol with paper plates, poster making, and origami to poem composition and essay writing, students were encouraged to reflect on the significance of peace and harmony in many ways that also gave them a chance to explore their creativity.










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