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June 21, 2021

GIIS Whitefield secures the 3rd Position (Overall Champion) at the Inter-GIIS Educator and Staff Athleta 2021, GIIS Abu Dhabi

 One who teaches also wins accolades! Three cheers for the Teacher Sports Stars of GIIS Whitefield!

Three teachers –Mr. Ashok Kumar, Mr. Reddi K Meisthri, and Mr. Govind Rao D have brought us name and fame at the Inter GIIS Educator and Staff Athleta 2021 organized by GIIS Abu Dhabi. Their winning zeal in various games brought GIIS Whitefield to the 3rd position, a very big prestigious win for the Whitefield campus.

The teachers of GIIS Whitefield participated in the GIIS Abu Dhabi Inter-GIIS Virtual Sports Week. This was organized exclusively for the teachers, management, and staff. The concept was ideated and rolled out with the intent to help them showcase their strength, speed, stamina, balance, and endurance with confidence. This virtual Athleta was a great opportunity to bring together the sports enthusiasts from campuses across all GIIS campuses in India as well as abroad. The sports activities included skipping, hip hop, step in step out, wall ball, catch and clap, plank, burpees, and lots more.

Ashok Kumar and Reddi K Meisthri are sports teachers with years of experience in bringing out the best in students. Staying fit, positive, happy, and healthy is what they preach and practice. Govind Rao D is the Mathematics teacher of the Secondary segment who has proven that a number genius and muscle power can go hand-in-hand. 

Sports has always been a favorite of every GIIS student and when you have the best coaches on board, there is so much fun and excitement on the ground. The fact is Sports Day is one of the most celebrated events every year for students, teachers, and parents.  With the Virtual Classes taking over the fun of the school ground joy, our teachers have ensured the love of physical education is with the same verve. Students have participated in various activities as part of Virtual Sports Day and other competitions, despite the pandemic situation. The emphasis on Sports Excellence is a major part of our GIIS 9 GEMS curriculum and students have always a wide spectrum of choices to choose from – Cricket, Skating, Football, Basketball, Table Tennis, and Martial Arts are some of the most popular ones in the campus.

It is a pride for the school to see our teachers do so well in the various sports activities on the inter GIIS global platform. They are an inspiration for all of us. 

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