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September 26, 2022

GIIS Whitefield honours educators on Teacher’s Day

GIIS Whitefield celebrated Teacher's Day with immense fervor and enthusiasm on 5th September 2022. Teachers from all the segments along with Principal sir- Mr Ashwani Kumar Saxena and segment coordinators gathered in the school's Multi-purpose hall to mark this auspicious occasion and celebrate the incredible contributions of teachers to the society. The event began with a brief address from the principal where he welcomed the attendees to the event and lauded them for their outstanding service. Felicitating all the teachers and staff members with beautiful flowers and chocolates, Mr Ashwani quoted:

"Teachers are the changemakers. Every word you speak, every teaching of yours impacts students in some way or other and keeps inspiring them through the course of their lives. You are leaders, philosophers, guides, friends........... and shapers of the future. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your great service and congratulate you for empowering young minds to dream big and achieve their goals."

Our Class 10 & 12 students secured phenomenal results in CBSE Board exams, and GIIS Whitefield took the occasion of Teacher's Day as an opportunity to thank the teachers who supported the students on every step of their journey towards success. Principal sir handed letters and certificates of appreciation to all the subject teachers of these higher grades for their incomparable hard work and efforts. Teachers also participated in many fun activities and games and enjoyed a lovely time with their compeers. After an electrifying dance session on upbeat Bollywood tunes, the team enjoyed a sumptuous banquet that concluded the memorable celebration.

Every celebration at GIIS Whitefield is different from the other and the unique feature of this Teacher’s Day celebration was the fact that it was celebrated twice! Our Secondary students organised a beautiful ceremony later in the month to make their lovely teachers feel special and enjoy a day dedicated to them watching splendid cultural programmes and participating in fun games.


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