On the 26th of March, Friday, the GIIS Interact Club conducted a physical run to contribute to the Singapore Cancer Society's Relay For Life (RFL) initiative. The initiative aimed to not only enhance students' physical and mental wellness by providing a sense of ease amongst academic tension but also to assist the Singapore Cancer Society (SCS) in their intention to "Minimize Cancer" and "Maximize Lives". The run was held in a collaboration with three other clubs from our school - the Exhibition club, Sports club and MedVet Club.
Before the run, a drive was organized within the school wherein students had the opportunity to purchase trinkets and other goodies, and give them to their peers and teachers as a way of expressing gratitude, which helped raise funds of over $100 for the SCS. Additionally, a medical webinar was organized, which encompassed a session conducted by a member of the SCS, which briefed students about how funds raised would be immensely beneficial to Cancer patients, thereby encouraging more students to participate.
The actual day of the run saw over 80 students enthusiastically cover a collective distance of 382.92 km, helping raise over $400 for this noble cause! "This marathon was a truly rewarding experience, serving as a quintessential break, as well as instilling a feeling of satisfaction for being able to run for a noble cause. I truly look forward to taking part in more such events" voices Shaam, a grade 12 student, who participated in the run. “Whilst the preparation for the event posed its own set of hurdles, being able to see all the different aspects of the event come together seamlessly on the day made it all worth it!” states Sindhu Shree Muddam, president of GIIS Interact, aptly echoing the sentiments of each member on the day. Truth be told, this initiative truly did fulfil the Interact Club's motto of placing 'Service Above Self' and we look forward to providing more such platforms that motivate students to reach up to their fullest potential and make a difference by giving back to society!
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