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August 31, 2023

GIIS Tokyo students exhibit their creativity at the STEAM Exhibition

The GIIS Tokyo Kindergarten campus recently transformed into a vibrant hub of scientific innovation and creative exploration as it hosted a spectacular STEAM exhibition. STEAM, an acronym encompassing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics, served as the theme for this eye-opening event.

The primary objective was to ignite curiosity and foster an understanding of STEAM, among the youngest learners. This event served a dual purpose- not only did it kindle a passion for STEAM, but it also provided an opportunity for students to pause their regular academic routine and appreciate the ingenuity displayed by their peers.

The exhibition featured an impressive array of categories, ranging from health and environment to energy, waste management, and agriculture. Each category was a canvas for the budding scientists to unleash their creativity and innovation.

The young participants left no stone unturned in showcasing their models, which were not just creative and attractive but often deemed marvellous. The event was a testament to the potential within these young minds, offering a glimpse of the innovation that will shape the future.

Such exhibitions serve as fertile ground for nurturing ideas that can contribute to the betterment of society and the world at large. It's here that the seeds of innovation are sown, and the potential for a brighter future takes root.

To ensure a wider reach and to inspire older students, Grade 2 students were invited to witness the creativity on display. This cross-grade interaction not only fostered appreciation but also encouraged mentorship and peer learning.

In a world that increasingly relies on innovation and interdisciplinary thinking, events like these lay the foundation for a generation of problem-solvers and innovators who will shape the future.


GIIS Tokyo Communications 

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