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April 11, 2022

GIIS Tokyo Students Recognition and Rewards to conclude the Academic Year 2021-22

GIIS Tokyo celebrated the first trophy distribution for House activities on April 5th, 2022; during the 2021-22 sessions, at the Nishi-Kasai Campus.

This event was held to commemorate the students’ hard work, along with the House wardens and teachers, for conducting and participating in various activities throughout the session.

The House Coordinator, Ms Neerja, initiated the ceremony with gratitude towards the students’ zealous participation, followed by an audio-visual presentation showcasing all that was encompassed during the period of ten months of the school year.

Ms Madhu Khanna, Principal of GIIS Tokyo, distributed the trophies for three categories -Sports, Academics and Overall Performance, to the winning Houses.

In the Sports category, the Sunflower House Warden, Sports Captain, Sports Coach, and House Captain received a trophy.

For the Academic performance, Chrysanthemum House and Sunflower House bagged the trophy which was received by their House Wardens, House Captains, and Vice Captains.

The Overall trophy was won by the Sunflower house which was received with cheers and applause by the Warden, Captain, and Vice-Captain.  The Trophy distribution was followed by accolades for the volunteer students who had contributed more than 20 hours of service towards school welfare. They received certificates for their services, from the Principal.

In the Principal’s address, she welcomed the students to the new academic session, congratulated the winners, and appreciated their efforts. She also inspired the students to keep aspiring for higher achievements and continue to participate with the same zeal and passion during all the sports, academic, and House activities.

To conclude the function, Ms Neerja spoke about her expectations to the students by encouraging them to put their best foot forward during the 2022-23 session, as well.


GIIS Tokyo Communications 

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