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July 30, 2021

GIIS Tokyo students carry the ‘100% pass result’ legacy ahead in CBSE Grade 12 exams!

Dear Parents,


In 2020, we made history by being the top ranked CBSE school overseas and in 2021 the victory continues..

GIIS Tokyo is in a celebration mode after an extraordinary 100% result in CBSE Grade 12 exams. Kudos to the above and beyond efforts undertaken by all appearing students, parents and teachers amid an ongoing pandemic in Japan.


Here are the top highlights of our CBSE Grade 12 examination results

A 100% overall pass result for all 12 students who appeared for the exam

Our Grade 12 Topper Madhumila Killamsetty scored 95%

Our school average percentile is 92.8%

Almost 84% of the students scored more than 90% setting a very impressive and exemplary standard for the juniors to follow. The top scores for the subjects are as follows:

English- 98

Mathematics- 97

Physics- 96

Chemistry- 97

Biology- 97

Computer Science- 98


Speaking about the results, GIIS Tokyo Principal Ms Khanna said, "Life gets pleasure in surprising us with every hurdle but optimism is the faith that paves the way to achievement and success. GIIS takes immense pride and happiness in congratulating our students for their achievements in Board results. Heartfelt congratulations to the well deserving achievers. Our students have made themselves as well as us proud with their soaring scores. 2020 presented us with the most unforeseen and unpredictable circumstance and while it posed greatest challenge to everyone, the students faced the exigent demand of the situation. Nevertheless, their achievement of passing with flying colours has exhibited their resilience and persistence."


A very hearty congratulations to our flag bearers, parents and teachers of the CBSE curriculum. Thank you for your continued trust and support.

GIIS Tokyo Admissions Team



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