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September 27, 2024

Leadership Lecture Series kicks off for Grade 10 students at GIIS Balewadi

GIIS Balewadi inaugurated its Leadership Lecture Series for Grade 10 students on September 6, 2024, with a highly engaging session featuring three distinguished defence officers: Colonel Ashish Raisinghania, Major Sanjeev Kumar, and Captain Yash Karan Sharma.

The officers' presence provided students with an inspiring glimpse into the life of serving in the armed forces, encouraging them to consider a career in defence.

During the session, the officers shared invaluable insights into military life, emphasising the core values of discipline, dedication, and the honour that comes with serving the nation. They offered students detailed information on the various pathways to join the defence forces, covering eligibility requirements, training programs, and the diverse roles within the military.

The session concluded with a lively Q&A segment, where students actively participated and had their queries addressed in detail. The interactive discussion allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of the profession, making it an informative and enriching experience.

This impactful session not only motivated the students but also expanded their awareness of potential career opportunities in defence, marking a successful start to the Leadership Talk Series at GIIS Balewadi.

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