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July 25, 2014

Spell-O-Well competition 2014 held at GIIS Balestier Campus

The Spell-O-Well competition, an annual proprietary event of GIIS Balestier Campus, was held at the campus on July 23, 2014. The three GIIS Singapore campuses- Queenstown, East Coast and Balestier had registered for the event. Abhiraman Senthilkumar and Medha Chatterjee represented GIIS Queenstown Campus; GIIS East Coast Campus had Lavanya S and Aditya Garladinne, and from GIIS Balestier Campus, Arvind Chandrasekhar and Dhananjay Madhavan participated in the event.

GIIS East Coast Campus team were declared winners and received the trophy and certificates with 74 points. Team from GIIS Balestier Campus was declared as the first runner up with 64 points. GIIS Queenstown Campus team was the second runner up with 59 points.

Carefully researched competition had six rounds and each round tested the contestant on different skills in vocabulary and spellings. All the rounds were keenly contested by each team with a team spirit and kinship.

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