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Kuala Lumpur
August 27, 2024

Young Entrepreneurs at Paradigm Mall: A Showcase of Creativity and Sustainability

Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? Students from GIIS KL had the opportunity to live that dream when they participated in the Young Enterprise program Sales Fair at Paradigm Mall. These budding entrepreneurs showcased their innovative products, demonstrating their entrepreneurial spirit and creativity.


Among the products showcased at the Sales Fair were our students' creations, a testament to their creativity and ingenuity. From the eco-friendly card game Sproutopia to the miniature terrarium Terranova, each project highlighted their unique talents. Sproutopia encouraged students to learn about planting trees and environmental protection through a fun card game, while Terranova promoted biodiversity and sustainability with its lush tropical ecosystem. Splashwise, a water conservation kit, taught students the importance of water conservation through educational activities and hands-on experiments. Finally, the students' crochet creations, including pouches, keychains, toys, and earrings, showcased their artistic talents and entrepreneurial spirit.


The fair was a bustling hub of activity, with students enthusiastically promoting their products and engaging with potential customers. It was a great opportunity for them to apply the skills they've learned throughout the Young Enterprise program, from ideation and production to marketing and sales.


Beyond the business aspect, the fair is also aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By focusing on environmental sustainability, education, and economic growth, the students' projects contributed to a better future for all.


The Young Enterprise program in association  with JA Malaysia has been instrumental in developing the students' skills and fostering their entrepreneurial mindset. By participating in this program, students have learned to think creatively, work collaboratively, make informed decisions, take risks, and give back to the community.


The Sales Fair was a culmination of the students' hard work and dedication. It was a testament to their entrepreneurial spirit and their ability to make a positive impact on the world.

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