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Abu Dhabi
October 25, 2024

Grade 1 and 2 students went on a Victorian Voyage through Dickens’ timeless tales

Students of Grades 1 and 2 went on a delightful Victorian voyage through the timeless tales of Charles Dickens. Their performances showcased scenes from classics, including David Copperfield, The Old Curiosity Shop, Great Expectations, and Oliver Twist.

The event was a vibrant celebration of literature, featuring a blend of songs, dance performances, and beautifully crafted skits. Throughout the performances, students demonstrated the power of storytelling. They skillfully captured the essence of Dickens’ characters and themes, transporting everyone back to a time of Victorian elegance and social commentary. 

As the curtain closed on this remarkable presentation, the Grade 1 and 2 students left a lasting impression, making the event a memory to behold.

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