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March 06, 2013

GIIS Chichwad Campus bags Best Concept Award at NIE My Green Earth Expo 2013

GIIS Chinchwad Campus team won the ‘Best Concept Award’ in the NIE My Green Earth Expo 2013, among all participating schools in Pune. The NIE My Green Earth Expo 2013 was organised by Times of India (NIE) on February 1, 2013. 

In this exhibition, students from schools in Pune got unique opportunities to exhibit their thoughts and ideas about issues related to the environment.The project made by GIIS Chinchwad Campus was  "Generating Electricity from Speed Breakers". This project was based on how energy can be tapped and used at a commonly used system- the speed breakers on roads.

Team GIIS Chinchwad designed a special speed breaker beneath which there were a series of air pistons. The outlets of each piston were connected to a main bigger pipe having a nozzle. The air ejecting out from the nozzle was used to run a small turbine which in turn generated electricity and stored in a battery which ran the traffic light.

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