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February 01, 2019

Christmas Around the World – A perfect theme for Christmas and New Year Celebration

GIIS Bangkok was buzzing with festivity in December 2018, as the campus rejoiced in Christmas and New Year celebrations.

The theme for this year’s celebration was - ‘Christmas around the World’ and the cultures of Thailand, India, France, and China were showcased in various ways.

The students from various Grades performed dance, and fashion-show showcasing costumes of different countries. Students sang Christmas Carols. There were various game stalls for the entertainment of students. Adding more colours to the celebration, were the food stalls selling cuisines from different countries and everyone savoured wonderful delicacies.

The event was jointly celebrated by students, parents, teachers, and management.  The preparation started two weeks prior to the event by decorating the Christmas tree, making Christmas art pieces and doing rehearsals for stage performances.

The Principal, Ms Sopa Sittisruang, Vice Principal Ms Sumita Jolly and Chairman Mr Suthep Lauhawatana, all graced the occasion and interacted with the parents.

The occasion displayed creative thinking, leadership skills, teamwork and international spirit of GIIS students and staff.

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