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July 25, 2017

Students Dress Up and Perform at Festivals Themed Fancy Dress Competition

ELETS_ GIIS Bannerghatta

GIIS, Balestier organised a grand and exciting fancy dress competition on July 18, 2017 for Kindergarten and Primary 1 students. It was the most awaited event, as it is always a pleasure to see the children dressed up as different characters. The aim of this competition was to provide an amicable platform for the students to showcase their hidden talents and express themselves with mettle and confidence.

The theme for the fancy dress was ‘festivals around the world’. Total of 92 students from kindergarten and primary 1 participated in the event with enthusiasm and zeal. Parents were invited for the event and we got an overwhelming response from them too. They were amazed to see their kids participate enthusiastically. Global Indian International School sincerely thank all the parents, who attended the event to show their support and encouragement.

A wave of colours spread over the auditorium as students dressed in vibrant costumes criss-crossed over the stage, depicting various festivals and describing their unique aspects. Some key festivals represented were Ughadi, Chinese New Year, Ganesh festival, Diwali, Christmas and many more.

Departing from the tradition, two parents, Ms Bindhu Bhat and Ms Purvi Desai were invited to judge the event along with Ms Meera Rajeev Kumar & Ms Rajni Parasher.

The Fancy Dress Competition winners are as below:

K1A – Ian Krish Fernandes

K2A – Toshani Choudhury

K2B – Garvit Patni

1A – Aarav Kamdar, Kenisha Dhyani

1B –Mithun Karthick Rajganesh, Veer Mishra

1C – Dinesh Tamilarasan, Sohan Ujjini

Parents expressed happiness in the way the event was organised. Few of the parents came on stage and appreciated the effort of the teachers and expressed gratitude for organising the event. Below are some feedback shared by the parents:

“Children were encouraged and motivated. Keep on doing more events”– Parent of Toshani, K2 A

“Thank you for arranging the fancy dress event” – Parent of Anarghya, K2 A

“The program is very good for the students to explore their talent” - Parent of Avanthika, K1 A

“It was very good especially the idea of giving a second chance for the kids who could not speak at first” – Parent of Neil, K2 B

The Vice Principal, Ms Savinder Kaur, concluded the event with a thanks giving speech in which she highlighted the importance of participation over perfection as it was a first of a kind experience for many students.

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