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August 08, 2018

Peace cranes made by GIIS students reflected unity, calm and harmony

The students from Nursery to Grade 8 observed Hiroshima Peace Day in August 2018, with a lot of activities to showcase the significance of this day. The paper crane chain was formed and displayed, highlighting the message of peace written by each child. There was a Special Assembly conducted by the students for Peace Day. It started with a prayer and a speech on why Peace Day is observed around the world. The story of a little girl Sadako Sasaki who had fought the 'A-Bomb disease' was also shared with the students. In order to pay homage to all the victims, they observed a one-minute silence.

Students from each house made colourful posters on Hiroshima Peace Day. Pre-primary students created a poster with cut-outs of palm prints and heart around peace symbol.

Students from each house made colourful posters on Hiroshima Peace Day. Pre-primary children created a poster with cut-outs of palm prints and heart around peace symbol. The students were messengers of Peace as they actively involved themselves in making the symbol of peace - Origami crane, in their respective classes. The children also wrote thoughtful and peaceful messages on the origami cranes to promote compassion, happiness and peace in the world to make it a peaceful place to reside.

Ms. Savinder Kaur (Principal) advocated the message of peace, love and harmony by encouraging students to take a pledge and vowing not to fight.  Students were very happy for spreading the thought of peace on Peace Day.

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