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March 31, 2024

GIIS Balewadi springs forward and celebrates innovation, success, and academic excellence

Dear Parents,


I am delighted to share the successful completion of our academic exams and the culmination of another enriching session at GIIS Balewadi. Our students have demonstrated exceptional dedication and perseverance by reflecting their commitment to academic excellence. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to both our students and faculty for their hard work and dedication throughout the session.


I am thrilled to announce that three of our teams have been selected to participate in the prestigious Make In India Innovation (MI4) grand finale, scheduled to take place on April 26, 2024. This achievement is a testament to the talent and determination of our students, and I believe they will represent GIIS Balewadi admirably on this esteemed platform.


Furthermore, I am pleased to inform you about the commencement of our Cambridge English program. Our teachers have undergone thorough training to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver an enriching learning experience to our students. This program will not only enhance their English proficiency but also instill confidence in their communication abilities.


As we embark on a new academic session, I am confident that with your continued support and collaboration, we will achieve new heights of success and excellence. I wish all our students the very best for their future endeavors.


Warm regards,

Dr. NKP Ashok Raj


GIIS Balewadi


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