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March 22, 2024

GIIS Balewadi makes it to the Make in India Innovation Initiative (MI4) grand finale!

GIIS Balewadi is thrilled to announce that our senior students have secured a spot at the highly anticipated Make in India Innovation Initiative (MI4) grand finale on 26th April 2024. Not one but three teams from the school will be competing in this unique celebration of entrepreneurship and innovation hosted by the Global School Foundation, India.


The MI4 journey began in August last year with 800 participants from 16 schools delving into innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. It encouraged them to think outside the box, identify real-world problems, and devise sustainable solutions using cutting-edge technology and design principles.


After a rigorous selection process, 13 projects have been shortlisted for the ultimate showdown. It's been an incredible journey that began with an impressive 100 ideas. Through campus-level rounds and meticulous evaluation, 44 projects were shortlisted, refined and narrowed down to the final 12 across four categories - Innovation Excellence, Sustainability Champion, Social Impact, and Future Entrepreneur.


This prestigious competition will witness students from- the "Oil Dispenser," "Automatic Floor Cleaner," and "Electric Sharpener" teams presenting their innovative projects to compete with other ground-breaking ideas from various GSF India campuses. The teams chosen to represent GIIS Balewadi at this one-of-a-kind event will be showing their revolutionary ideas on a national platform to a jury of industry professionals and experts.


Competing in the MI4 finale is sure to provide our students with an opportunity to showcase their talents on a global stage and foster collaboration, critical thinking, and leadership skills. It also signifies the holistic learning environment at GIIS Balewadi, where students are encouraged to explore their interests, push their boundaries, and pursue excellence in all endeavors.


We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the teams for their hard work, creativity, and determination that has brought them this far. We are sure their innovative ideas and relentless efforts will leave a lasting impression at the MI4 finale.


Here’s wishing all our students all the very best for the showdown!


May the best idea win!

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