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June 05, 2014

A grand ceremony marks the Graduation of GIIS@aps@ 8th IB Diploma batch

IBDP Graduation ceremony
IBDP Graduation ceremony
Link for Images: http://goo.gl/VKpEf6

Fond nostalgia of wonderful years spent in the portals of GIIS reigned on the minds of 77 IB Diploma graduands from the graduating class of 2014 as their official farewell commenced on May 23, 2014. The IB cohort was dressed in graduation robes, each armed with a beaming smile and confidence belying their solemn thoughts of leaving the school - their home away from home. Members of the audience included their families, teachers, siblings and friends.

IBDP Graduation ceremonyIn Indian culture, auspicious beginnings are significant; it was reflected in the lamp lighting ceremony which preceded the events of the evening. GIIS Queenstown Campus Principal, Ms Madhu Khanna, shared her thoughts and experiences, emphasising the need for hard work and self-reliance. A particularly beautiful quote from her address stood out, “What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly”. This was followed by a speech by the Guest of Honour, Professor Lalit Kumar Goel, in which he lauded the graduates for completing the rigorous IB diploma and for their determination in doing the best they could.

Next, traditionally, the IB first year students organise the farewell for their seniors. This is the final moment of bonding between the seniors and their juniors, with the juniors thanking the graduating class for all their advice and assistance throughout the year. This year the musical performance by students Hansika, Kuheli, Simone and Shravya was received with great enthusiasm. The IB Year 1 band, the Live Wires performed a medley of songs, one was especially memorable - the Friends theme song. It was a throwback to all the fond memories the seniors had shared with one another.

IBDP Graduation ceremonyOne by one, the students were then called on to the stage and handed a memento and a graduation certificate along with a scroll. This segment, with its tongue-in-cheek humour, was especially appreciated by the graduating batch. After each student had received the diploma, it was time for the eagerly anticipated dance performance. The dance, a fusion of Western and Indian styles proved to be a great hit.

Subsequent to this, Sreya Koman, the Head Girl of the school led the students in a pledge-taking ceremony where all the graduates vowed to forever uphold the values of their alma mater. The stage was then taken by the IB coordinator, Ms. Deepa Chandrasekaran who was proud to see her students as mature, young adults ready to strike out on their own. With heartfelt parting words wishing the students the best in their future endeavours, she declared them graduates and each one of them eagerly threw their caps high. Ms. Chandrasekran also expressed her gratitude for the contributions of the teachers and the school in moulding the students.

IBDP Graduation ceremonyFinally, the Chairman and Co-founder of Global Schools Foundation, Mr Atul Temurnikar shared his insight on his belief that every graduate was a global leader in his or her own right. He enumerated the importance of both academic and non-academic skills, recognising the need society has for passionate, driven individuals.

These speeches will certainly linger in the minds of the graduates long after they leave the school. After a photo-taking session the students proceeded to the cafeteria where they cut a three-tier cake followed by a farewell dinner at school. There were smiles and happy tears as the graduates revelled in their step towards a new journey.

Graduation is a time where students leave behind their alma mater and step into the real world. It is a time of change and fond remembrances. However no matter where the graduates go, they will always remember GIIS as their first home.

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