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July 13, 2016

GIIS Tokyo Campus conducts an enthralling traffic drill at the school

Traffic Drill Students eagerly listening to the traffic rules
Traffic Drill Students learning about bicycle riding rules
Traffic Drill Traffic Drill Mascot made it a fun experience for the students

Students were sensitise about road and safety during a traffic drill organised at GIIS Tokyo Campus on 4 July 2016. Ms Tanaka, Ms Ushiro and Ms Aoki of the Kasai Traffic Police department instructed the students with various traffic drills. The workshop highlighted the importance of taking a whole-of-service approach to road safety education. It featured real life travel experiences of children and families, and addressed local road safety needs and concerns. Students were informed about the community-focused road safety education.

The session aimed at making the students realise how ignorance on the road can prove to be fatal, highlighting the tangible and intangible losses. The workshop presented the latest data about road accidents in the country. It encouraged the students to realise the importance of one’s precious life. “Hurry or Impatience” on the road was declared to be the main cause of accidents and students were motivated to practice time management to overcome that. Besides this, the students were also informed about mandatory, cautionary and informatory traffic signals.

Ms Ushiro explained various traffic signals, their significance and informed the students that while walking on the road, they should be on the left side of the road. Various rules pertaining to road crossing and the importance of traffic signals were highlighted during the workshop.

The objective of this session was to describe the rules of riding bicycle and importance of helmet usage. To make students realise the significance of a human life and to make them aware of the road safety and various traffic rules, an innovative workshop on “Road Safety” and “Traffic Rules” was organised.

Ms Ushiro demonstrated the four important rules of riding bicycles through games.

  1. Keep left when you ride a bicycle
  2. Ride a bicycle on the left side of the road and get down from the left
  3. Use the left brakes and then right to stop the bicycle
  4. Whenever you stop the bicycle, your left foot must touch the road first

Overall, it was an engrossing experience for all the students. It gave them an opportunity to gain an insight about various traffic rules. The school Principal Ms Rajeswary Sambathrajan appreciated and extended her gratitude for the efforts of the entire team of Kasai Traffic Police department.

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