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October 04, 2016

Global Indian International School spreads the message of Universal Values by hosting the Global Little Stars

To celebrate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation, Global Indian International School (GIIS), Indore, hosted Global Little Star; a platform for little children to showcase their talents on 2nd October. The programme was powered by Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Universal values.

The Chief Guest for the event was Mr. Hari Narayan Singh, Deputy Chairman Indore Development Association. He was glad to be a part of the event. “ Gandhij’s values are being followed across the world and it is the responsibility of schools to inculcate his teachings in all the students. Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Universal Values is an excellent initiative of GIIS and I congratulate the school for the same” said Mr. Singh.

Over 600 little children from 35 pre-schools participated in various activities like colouring, group dancing,  singing, recitation and fancy dress competition, based on the universal theme of Gandhian values. A large gathering of parents and teachers cheered the little stars as they performed beautifully. Global Little Stars was well appreciated by the audience for its elaborate arrangement and detailing of every event. Different booths were allocated for various activities and the competitions took place simultaneously. The children too loved participating in the competition. Every child was given a participating certificate and the winners of each competition were awarded trophies.

“Global Little Stars not only provide a platform for creative expression for the little ones, but also plays an important role in driving in the message of virtues like honesty, kindness, forgiveness, tolerance and empathy through art.  Value education begins in the yearly years and becomes a way of life and as an educational institution it is our responsibility to spread the message of universal values through all media.”
Said Capt. Dr. Dinisha Bharadwaj Singh- Principal GIIS Indore.
“At GIIS, we believe in the holistic growth of children. Our 9 Gems learning framework encourages children to participate in various activities related to performing arts, sports, innovation and creativity. Community connection and global sensitivities are of equal importance for the balanced growth of children. We should develop a culture of peace, which means the art of living together, as good neighbours and friends. This is the essence of globalization of education.”
Added Mr. Rajeev Katiyal, Country Director, GIIS, India.
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