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March 06, 2018

Kinder Supermarket

MUN 2023 EC

A supermarket was set in KGII for children to understand science, literacy and math concepts. Children experienced buying and selling of different goods found in the grocery. They were given money to buy stuff as some of them enacted being vendors. Literacy activities were conducted children were asked to choose a letter as they walked around. For example, for the letter "p" children could find peanuts, popcorn, pineapple, paper and pizza. Position words were used like below, under and above. Opportunities to use superlatives, those little endings that help describe size, were found all around the grocery store. The children found a big fruits, a bigger fruits and the biggest fruit in the produce section. They were encouraged to visually differentiate between big and small objects. Children were asked to count and add and subtract fruits and vegetables while they observed different shapes. They were told to find a shape, such as the rectangle on the front of a cereal box, and then look for other items with the same shape. The learning was experiential and funfilled.The classroom was turned into a zone which facilitate creative ways of learning.

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