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January 30, 2024

Flying high with the festive fervour of Makar Sankranti at GIIS Bannerghatta

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey

At GIIS, we believe in celebrating important traditions to sensitise our students to the rich cultural heritage of our country. With this thought in mind, we organized a grand Makar Sankranti celebration at our Bannerghatta campus.

Sankranti marks the transmigration of the sun from one zodiac to another in Indian astronomy. This is also a harvest festival celebrated with great fervour in South Indian states. It marks the beginning of longer and warmer days ahead. Sankranti is celebrated by making elaborate rangoli, Pongal sweet making and kite flying. 

The GMP segment at GIIS Bannerghatta also celebrated the festival with colourful kite decorations done by the students which not only fostered creativity in the young minds but also infused social interactions and community celebration. Such celebrations are a wonderful platform for developing the 21st-century skills of the students.

It also brings in the spirit of unity in diversity and fosters a spirit of oneness. Traditional festivals have their roots in history and each ritual has its deep significance. Learning about the historical significance of festivals and their celebrations gives students a taste of the immense cultural legacy of our nation. Festivals are not only a time of great celebrations, but also a time for bonding and connecting, Students learn the valuable life skill of synergy and collaboration through these celebrations.

At GIIS, we focus on holistic development through a variety of initiatives which focus on innovation and creativity, personality development, innovation and creativity, and universal values and ethics, to name a few! Festival celebrations are a great fun way of adding character building along with learning!

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