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July 14, 2023

GIIS Tokyo students flaunt their style during the Fashion Show

The auditorium at GIIS Tokyo was buzzing with excitement as the kindergarten students of SSD Campus recently took centre stage to showcase their fashion flair in a spectacular fashion show. This much-anticipated event not only captivated the audience but also demonstrated the creativity and confidence of these young fashionistas.

The event was held on 14th July 2023 at the GIIS Tokyo Kindergarten campus and was an initiative to bring forth creativity in the heart of the school. The staff and students held the first fashion show event at the Seishincho Campus, and it was a huge success.

Students were asked to come in outfits of their choice to wear on a ramp with the iconic ‘catwalk’!

The fashion show was also a fun occasion where the students celebrated the last day of school before their summer holidays as a celebration of creativity and an opportunity to share, showcase and connect all the exciting creative work executed daily at the SSD Campus.

The Kindergarten fashion show was an extraordinary display of talent, creativity, and confidence by these young fashion enthusiasts. The event not only showcased their imagination but also helped foster essential skills. Through this memorable experience, the students left an indelible mark and proved that age is no barrier to expressing oneself through fashion.

As the curtains closed on this remarkable event, it left everyone eagerly awaiting the next chapter in the student's journey towards self-discovery and artistic expression.


GIIS Tokyo Communications 

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