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December 07, 2023

GIIS Tokyo Lights Up Cultural Connections with Diya-Making

On the 10th of November 2023, GIIS Tokyo SSD Kindergarten hosted a Culture Exchange Programme aimed at enhancing students' communication skills and fostering a deeper understanding of diverse cultures through Diya-making activities.

All of our K2 children, accompanied by dedicated teachers, embarked on a cultural journey to Seishin Ohisama Nursery, a nearby Japanese kindergarten school. The focal point of the day was an exploration of Diwali, the Festival of Lights, with teachers utilising flashcards to make the learning experience captivating.

Following the enlightening session, the students actively participated in hands-on Diya-making activities, crafting traditional diyas with clay. This not only honed their artistic skills but also symbolised the cultural exchange taking place.

Recognising the significance of providing opportunities for students to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds, GIIS encouraged the children to engage with students from a Japanese kindergarten, fostering an environment of mutual understanding and respect.

The Culture Exchange Programme aligns with GIIS's commitment to instilling a global perspective in students. By encouraging active participation in cross-cultural activities, the initiative empowers learners to reflect on national identities, embrace multicultural coexistence, and understand the principles of sustainable development.

Beyond the educational aspect, the programme aimed to deepen friendships among the young participants. Through discussions, collaborative activities, and the joy of creating together, the children discovered the beauty of diversity and the strength that comes from respecting and understanding one another.

The GIIS Tokyo Culture Exchange Programme stands as a testament to the dedication to nurturing well-rounded global citizens. By actively participating in initiatives that promote inter-cultural understanding, GIIS believes students are better equipped to face the challenges of an increasingly interconnected world.


GIIS Tokyo Communications

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