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November 01, 2023

GIIS Tokyo celebrates a Spooktacular Halloween Celebration Across All Campuses

The Halloween spirit descended upon GIIS Tokyo, enveloping all four campuses - Seshincho, Kitakasai, Nishikasai, and Higashi Kasai - in an atmosphere of enchanting festivities. This inclusive celebration, carefully tailored to cater to students of all age groups, showcased the vibrant diversity and unity that defines the GIIS community.

In the preschool and early learning sections, our littlest learners took centre stage in their endearing costumes, embarking on an adventure of delightful trick-or-treating. Their contagious laughter and wide-eyed wonder added an extra sprinkle of magic to the occasion, creating cherished memories for both children and parents alike.

As the elementary and middle school students donned an array of imaginative costumes, the campus corridors buzzed with an infectious energy. From ghouls and goblins to superheroes and princesses, the diversity of outfits reflected the boundless imagination of our students. The spirited parade and candy frenzy left them brimming with excitement and joy.

Surprisingly, the high school students were not to be outdone, proving that age is no barrier to enjoying the Halloween spirit. Their clever and inventive costumes showcased a remarkable sense of camaraderie and school spirit. The event provided a precious opportunity for older students to relive the magic of their childhood while embracing their newfound independence.

The Halloween celebration at GIIS Tokyo was not confined to the students alone. Teachers and support staff also embraced the festive spirit, donning imaginative costumes and encouraging our young learners. Their participation not only added to the overall fun but also emphasized the strong sense of community and camaraderie that defines GIIS.

Beyond the costumes and festivities, the Halloween celebration at GIIS Tokyo served a deeper purpose - that of cultural exchange and global awareness. It was a valuable learning experience for students of all ages, teaching them about the significance of this international festival and the importance of appreciating different customs and traditions.

As the echoes of laughter and the memory of imaginative costumes lingered, it was evident that this celebration would remain etched in the hearts of students and staff alike for years to come. The Halloween festivities at GIIS Tokyo succeeded in uniting generations in an enchanting tapestry of spooky fun, highlighting the unique sense of community and belonging that defines our school.

GIIS Tokyo Communications 


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