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October 02, 2023

GIIS Kindergarten Tokyo Celebrates Grandparents Day with Love and Affection

Grandparents hold a special place in the hearts of families, serving as the pillars of tradition and the bearers of love and wisdom. They are, in every sense, the family's greatest treasures. To honour these wonderful individuals, GIIS Kindergarten Tokyo celebrated Grandparents Day on Friday, September 29, 2023, with a heart-warming event filled with love and affection.

The day commenced with a warm and inspirational address by our Kindergarten coordinator, Ms. Amita Shrimal. She eloquently emphasized the invaluable role that grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren, describing them as "a little bit of parents, a little bit of teacher, and a little bit of friend."

The young and talented students of Kindergarten I and II took centre stage, dazzling the audience with their scintillating performances. With grace and enthusiasm, they danced to melodious tunes, leaving everyone spellbound and thoroughly mesmerized.

The celebration continued with engaging activities. Grandparents and grandchildren came together to play BINGO and a delightful passing-the-ball game. The energetic grandparents, adorned in shades of purple, participated with unbridled zeal, infusing the event with their enthusiasm.

One of the most touching moments came when the grandparents shared their thoughts and memories of their own childhood. To everyone's delight, they even sang songs, creating a beautiful atmosphere filled with different emotions. Attendees were visibly moved, sharing the boundless affection between grandparents and grandchildren, and cherishing precious memories with smiles and tears.

The day concluded with light refreshments, but not before it was marked with oodles of blessings, happy faces, excitement, and cheer. The budding stars of GIIS school showed their deep love and affection for their grandparents in an unforgettable way.

Grandparents Day 2023 at GIIS Kindergarten Tokyo was a heart-warming and memorable event that celebrated the selfless and limitless love between generations. It was a beautiful opportunity for both grandparents and grandchildren to express their deep affection for one another.

The event left a lasting impression and was a testament to the love and affection that form the foundation of our school community. The 2023 Grandparents Day will undoubtedly be remembered as a truly memorable moment for our grandparents and our beloved school.


GIIS Tokyo Communications 

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