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September 02, 2023

GIIS Kindergarten Students Dive into a Sea of Blue on 'Blue Day'

The young learners at GIIS Tokyo embarked on a delightful journey into the world of colours as they celebrated 'Blue Day' with great enthusiasm on August 31, 2023. The school's corridors resonated with joyous laughter as the children revelled in all things blue.

Underneath the clear skies of a pleasant and cool day, the kindergarten students, along with their teachers, arrived at school adorned in various shades of blue, creating a captivating sea of blue within the Kindergarten campus. To set the stage for the vibrant celebration, the school had thoughtfully pre-decorated the surroundings, enveloping the young learners in a soothing blue ambience.

The day's activities were carefully designed to help the children recognize and appreciate the colour blue. Through rhymes and interactive lessons, the students had the opportunity to explore the world of blue, identifying blue-coloured objects around them. This playful and educational approach aimed to foster early colour recognition, a critical component in a child's cognitive development. Understanding and connecting visual cues to words is an essential step in nurturing well-rounded young minds.

Amidst all the learning, the children also had their fair share of fun. They couldn't contain their excitement as they engaged in a playful bubble-blowing activity. Chasing and attempting to catch the floating bubbles not only brought smiles to their faces but also contributed to their physical development. Pursuing the elusive bubbles helped enhance their motor skills, develop balance, and increase body awareness, all while having a blast.

As bubbles popped on their tiny hands and bodies, the children revelled in the sensory experience, making 'Blue Day' an unforgettable event for them. Their joy and laughter filled the air, leaving a lasting impression on both students and teachers alike.

In conclusion, 'Blue Day' at GIIS Kindergarten proved to be a resounding success, combining education and fun in a memorable way. It not only helped the children in early colour identification but also contributed to their physical and sensory development.


GIIS Tokyo Communications 

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