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April 30, 2024

GIIS Hadapsar celebrates students’ success, creativity, and innovation

Greetings Dear Parents

It is rightly said that "Change is the only constant in life" and as educators entrusted with the huge, dynamic responsibility of shaping the Minds & Lives of 1000+ students every year, we at GIIS-Hadapsar take great pride in the way our journey has taken shape ever since our inception. While we have welcomed new members into our family, we've had to bid adieu to a few older members. We remain ever grateful for the trust, unwavering support and active participation that we continue receiving from all of you and assure you that we shall never compromise on our deliverables.

The accolades, awards, and recognitions we received in the AY 2023-24 set the bar high for us as we commenced our new Academic Year 2024-25. Not to be deterred and ever ready to take on new challenges, our students from Grade 9 & 10, began the year with a bang by grabbing 1st place in our first-ever Nationwide Intercampus competition called the “Make in India Innovation Initiative (MI4)”, which was all about empowering students from all our campuses to dream big, think boldly and shape India’s future through their brilliant ideas & sheer determination.

Sharing with you all a brief of this most Socially impactful & relevant event:

Our MI4 journey commenced with oOver 100 teams and more than 800 students. After rounds of intense selection, 44 incredible teams were shortlisted from GSF India schools viz. Glendale, Vikaasa, OWIS & GIIS. After endless preparations, feedback sessions & tons of excitement, they were further narrowed down to the top 13 teams. These revolutionaries were then invited for the Grand finale that was conducted at our Mumbai campus on the 26th of April 2023.

Of these 13 finalists, we had the below-mentioned team from our Hadapsar campus who captivated the judges and the audiences with their creative presentation that were executed with utmost sincerity,  resulting in them bagging the 1st prize amongst the 13 participating teams thus elevating our campus to the highest pedestal.

Name of the Project: AnnaRakshak

Theme: Sustainability

Group Members: Mihika Modani (10B), Ishika Dabade (10A), Gauri Chari (10B), Ananya Bhuyan (10A) & Shreesh Sathishkumar (9A).

AnnaRakshak is an app created by the team Food Fortifiers, to combat the food wastage generated at households. This app is aimed to provide a comprehensive solution to every household, right from shopping, to planning a meal and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This app helps one to maintain a list of fresh foods brought from the market, keeping a check on the stock and also helps to create meal plans to use the materials available at home effectively.

One man’s waste is another man’s wealth - AnnaRakshak also helps in donating the unused fresh food available to the ones who are in need. This App addresses 9 out of 17 SDG goals.

A proud moment for us all at GIIS–Hadapsar.

Together let’s celebrate Innovation, Creativity, and the Unstoppable spirit of our young revolutionaries.

Best regards

Lakshmi Prasanna

Principal, GIIS Hadapsar.


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