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April 19, 2024

GIIS Hadapsar celebrated Siblings Day to pay a vibrant tribute to familial bonds

GIIS Hadapsar ignited the spirit of kinship with a jubilant celebration of Siblings Day, captivating the hearts of its GMP students with an array of creative activities. The school transformed into a hub of excitement as students delved into various activities, each brimming with affection and artistic flair.

From adorning wooden spoons with endearing brother and sister faces to showcasing vibrant displays of creativity, the event exuded warmth and enthusiasm. Grade-wise showcases added to the charm, featuring expressive photo collages, adjective trees, bracelets, and personalized messages that encapsulated the bond shared between siblings.

The younger students reveled in the festivities, immersing themselves in the spirit of unity and gratitude. Senior students, on the other hand, took this opportunity to express their heartfelt sentiments through specially crafted greetings and tokens of appreciation. Throughout the day, the atmosphere buzzed with love, respect, and joy, as siblings were celebrated and cherished for the unique connections they share.

The event was not merely a celebration but a testament to the values of togetherness and affection fostered within the GIIS community. It served as a reminder of the importance of family bonds and the joy that comes from appreciating the special relationships in our lives.


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