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April 09, 2024

SMART Campus marks CBSE Graduation with joy and reflection

The Class of 2024 at the Global Indian International School celebrated their graduation on April 4, 2024. The Multi-Purpose Hall resonated with applause as the graduates made their entrance, signalling the start of a memorable day.


The ceremony opened with a warm welcome from the Cultural Secretary, Sanmitra Chowdhary, whose eloquent speech set a reflective tone for the event. Principal Ms. Melissa Maria followed, acknowledging the graduates' perseverance and dedication throughout their academic journey. A notable moment was the keynote address by Professor Sanjay Swarup, a distinguished agriculture and environmental biologist from the National University of Singapore. His inspiring words urged the graduates to face the future with bravery and ambition.


The event was further enlivened by stunning performances in dance and music by the Grade 11 students, stirring feelings of nostalgia and excitement among the audience. The presentation of mementos marked a significant rite of passage for the 79 graduates, witnessed by an auditorium filled with proud family members and friends. Dr. Supriya Saxena shared insights from her experience as a parent, offering the graduates heartfelt wishes for their onward journeys.


A poignant oath-taking ceremony was another highlight, culminating in the graduates tossing their caps into the air, a gesture of their readiness to embrace the challenges ahead. Ira Pathak, Secretary of the Student Council, moved the audience with her reflections on her time at the school.


The evening concluded with a cake-cutting celebration and spontaneous photo sessions, capturing the joy and camaraderie of the occasion. This graduation not only marked the end of an important chapter for these young adults but also celebrated their preparedness to pursue future successes.


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