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May 08, 2024

SMART Campus celebrates Labour Day with a special tribute

On Labour Day, the primary department of SMART Campus launched an initiative to honor the exceptional individuals who contribute daily to keeping our school functioning smoothly. This group includes our dedicated cleaners, handymen, security guards, and canteen staff, who form the backbone of our school community. Their relentless hard work is truly deserving of recognition and appreciation.


As a part of the Kindness Project, students and teachers from the CBSE Primary Kindness team dedicated the day to expressing gratitude to these essential team members. The celebrations included engaging activities such as playing bingo, performing dances and songs, sharing stories, and spending quality time getting to know these wonderful individuals who significantly enhance our school environment.


Initiatives like these not only show appreciation but also instill in our students valuable lessons about respect and responsibility, helping to shape them into conscientious members of society. By fostering such values, the school ensures that the students grow not only in knowledge but also in character, learning to appreciate the critical roles of everyone in their community. 


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