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May 02, 2024

Primary students display linguistic excellence at Tamil competition

Primary students from GIIS SMART Campus have demonstrated their linguistic talents by winning several awards at prestigious Tamil storytelling and poem singing competitions. These events were organised by Sakthi Nunkalaikoodam, Singapore Tamil Kavingar Iyakkam - Kavimalai, and River Vale CC as part of the Tamil New Year celebration.


Highlighting the achievements, Shrimughai Pattu Santhakumar from Grade 5 and Agil Krishna Kannan from Grade 3 each clinched the Second Prize in their respective categories. Additionally, Harshan Bharathiraja from Grade 2 secured the Third Prize, showcasing the depth of talent among the younger students.


These accomplishments underscore not only the students' proficiency in Tamil but also reflect the nurturing learning environment provided by SMART Campus. The school is committed to fostering diverse skills, enabling students to excel not only academically but also in cultural and linguistic pursuits. This holistic approach helps in developing well-rounded individuals who are confident and versatile in their talents.


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