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May 03, 2024

Primary students celebrate Earth Day with eco-conscious activities

The CBSE Primary Department at GIIS SMART Campus recently marked Earth Day through a series of vibrant and inspiring activities, showcasing the students' commitment to environmental stewardship. The event commenced with impactful words from former President Barack Obama, underscoring the critical need to protect our planet.


Demonstrating their artistic talents, the students performed "Saving the Earth," a song that beautifully reminded everyone of our collective duty to safeguard our home—the Earth. The day was further highlighted by a compelling skit, which illustrated how minor contributions can have a major impact on environmental conservation. The students also took to the stage with a lively dance performance to Michael Jackson's "Earth," captivating the audience with their passion and enthusiasm.


In a testament to their commitment to sustainability, all props used in the assembly were crafted from recycled materials. This not only added a unique touch to the performances but also served as a practical demonstration of recycling and reusing in action.


The event was not just a celebration but also a reflection of how GIIS SMART Campus continually fosters a sense of responsibility among its students towards the environment. By integrating environmental education into the curriculum and encouraging active participation in eco-friendly initiatives, the school nurtures young minds to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the importance of sustainability. 


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