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April 01, 2024

Preschoolers take center stage for the Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

SMART Campus preschoolers took the stage for the Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony on March 12, marking a significant milestone for these young learners. The event provided them with an opportunity to showcase their accomplishments during their time in kindergarten.

The cheerful balloon decorations and lively atmosphere in the MPH contributed to the festive mood of the occasion. Each child confidently walked onto the stage, passing under the arch set up, and proudly received their graduation certificates from members of the management. For teachers, it was an emotional day as they witnessed the growth of each student they had nurtured, cared for, and guided throughout their kindergarten journey.

For the senior kindergarten students (K2), the day marked a significant transition as they bid farewell to kindergarten and prepared to embark on the journey to Grade 1. Their hard work and perseverance had paid off, and as they move on to the next chapter of their lives, they carry with them cherished memories of their time in kindergarten.


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