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April 10, 2024

Global Educators gather in South Korea for 2024 IB World Conference

The International Baccalaureate (IB) welcomed over 1,300 educators from more than 39 countries to Daegu, South Korea, for the IB World Conference, which focused on discussing new concepts, teaching methods, and best practices in education. This event was held from March 21, 2024 to March 23, 2024.  It served as a melting pot of ideas, with participants learning from a range of education experts and the wider IB community, while also engaging with exhibitors from across the globe.

The conference, themed “Inspiring learners, realising potential,” ignited discussions around the contemporary challenges faced by students and educators. These challenges are central to the IB’s mission of creating a better and more peaceful world through education, emphasising the importance of unlocking the full potential of every young learner.

A significant focus of the conversations was the need for strong pedagogical leadership to foster learner inquiry effectively. The conference offered a stage for dialogues on the necessity of adopting a more holistic teaching approach, highlighting the importance of wellness initiatives as part of the educational ecosystem.

Over sixty sessions delved into various educational themes, such as new teaching and learning approaches, educational technology, inclusive education, well-being, scholarly analyses, leadership, case studies, and much more. One of the key focal points in Daegu was the role of multilingualism in fostering a greater sense of global connectivity. Additionally, session speakers explored the emerging challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence in educational programs and assessment practices.

The conference featured several notable keynote speakers who are leaders in educational thought and practice. These included Meg Durhum, host of 'The School of Wellbeing' podcast and a specialist in teacher well-being, known for her profound impact on educators' personal and professional lives. Dr Paul Kim, Chief Technology Officer and Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, shared insights from his work on mobile-social education in marginalised communities, online education initiatives in Saudi Arabia, and the One Laptop Per Child project in Uruguay. Dr. Ameeta Mulla Wattal, Chairperson and Executive Director of Education, Innovations, and Training at DLF Foundation Schools and Scholarship Programmes, brought her five decades of experience in education, creative arts, special needs, street theatre, women's education, peace studies, and curriculum development to the forefront.

The conference underscored education's vital role as a force for positive change, aiming to empower and inspire the next generation to confront climate change directly. 

Ms Melissa Maria (Principal), Ms Deepika Sodhi (Deputy Principal, International Curricula), Ms Deepa Chandrasekaran (Diploma Programme Coordinator) represented GIIS, SMART Campus, Singapore at the Conference.


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