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April 03, 2024

GIIS Students' Seoul Trip: A fusion of cultural immersion and learning

The "International Understanding trip" to Seoul, Korea, organised by Global Indian International School (GIIS), provided an enriching and diverse experience for students, offering a blend of cultural immersion, historical exploration, and service learning opportunities. Divided into three groups, each day was meticulously planned to ensure a comprehensive understanding of Korean culture, history, and societal dynamics.


Day 01 commenced with departure from Changi Terminal for Seoul. Upon arrival, students were whisked away to explore the vibrant city. The first stop on the agenda was the busy Noryangjin Seafood Market, which showcases South Korea's largest abundant marine variety. Here, students indulged in the unique experience of sampling live octopus amidst the vibrant atmosphere of over 700 vendors. Following a delectable lunch, the excursion continued to Gangnam, where iconic landmarks such as the Starfield Library and the famed Gangnam Style statue provided glimpses into the city's contemporary culture. The day culminated with a flavoursome dinner at an Indian restaurant.


Day 02 was the highlight of our trip, the excursion to the demilitarised zone (DMZ), a poignant symbol of the Korean Peninsula's divided past where we witnessed the tension between North and South Korea firsthand. The excursion provided students with a rare opportunity to witness the heavily fortified border separating North and South Korea. Students saw landmines installed during the Korean War, the “38th parallel” that helped mark the Japanese surrender to the US on one side and the USSR on the other, and also the Dorasan (Dora) Observatory with a fantastic bird’s eye view of the Korean DMZ. Visits to Imjingak Peace Park and the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel offered sobering insights into the region's tumultuous history. Upon returning to Seoul, students engaged in hands-on activities, including kimchi-making, tasting various flavours of seaweed, and wearing traditional Hanbok attire, fostering a deeper appreciation for Korean heritage. The day concluded with a delectable dinner, leaving students with lasting memories of their DMZ encounter.


Day 03 saw students venturing to Goyang in Gyeonggi Province, where service learning activities were tailored to each group's interests. While batches A, B1, and B2 students contributed to community welfare through orphanage assistance and street cleaning, Group C embarked on a cultural exchange at Dwight School Seoul, fostering cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. Our students sat with their school students and attended their lectures in real-time. Through this interaction, students also built an understanding of Korean cultures and traditions. The day's itinerary also included visits to Seoul Upcycling Plaza where students enjoyed various upcycling artworks, and Seoul Energy Dream Center, a “Zero Energy Building” raising public awareness of the necessity of reducing energy consumption, underscoring Korea's commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. The day concluded with a reflective dinner, highlighting the significance of service and global citizenship.


Day 04 unfolded with a visit to Gyeongbok Palace, offering students a glimpse into Korea's royal heritage, followed by lunch at Gwangjang Market to experience traditional Korean delights. The exploration continued at Myeongdong Fashion Street, showcasing Seoul's bustling markets and contemporary fashion and cosmetics scene. The day concluded with a sumptuous dinner featuring Korean Fried Chicken, a culinary delight beloved by locals and visitors alike.


Day 05 marked the conclusion of the immersive journey with visits to Gwangmyeong Cave, a cave-themed park, and Songwol-dong, a fairytale village adorned with murals and sculptures. The trip concluded with fond farewells and reflections on the myriad experiences shared as students departed for Singapore, enriched by their cultural odyssey in Seoul.


In essence, the "International Understanding trip" to Seoul was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that left an indelible mark on all participants. Beyond the breathtaking sights and immersive cultural experiences, the trip fostered deep bonds among students and provided invaluable learning opportunities. Throughout the journey, students were not only immersed in Korean culture and traditions but also actively engaged with pressing global issues such as upcycling, climate change, and energy conservation. Visits to Seoul Upcycling Plaza and the Seoul Energy Dream Center offered insightful perspectives on sustainability and environmental stewardship, empowering students to become conscientious global citizens.


Moreover, the warmth and hospitality extended by the Korean people left a lasting impression. Their genuine kindness and politeness enriched our cultural exchange, fostering meaningful connections and mutual understanding. Through interactions with locals, students gained invaluable insights into Korean society, traditions, and values, broadening their worldview and deepening their appreciation for diversity. Overall, the trip reinforced the importance of cultural exchange, collaboration, and compassion in fostering a more harmonious and sustainable future for all.


Disha Poojary, Dhwani Agarwal 

IB Year 1C


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