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April 02, 2024

GIIS SMART Campus and Dwight International School collaborate for student exchange programme

Global Indian International School SMART Campus (GIIS) and Dwight International School in Seoul, South Korea collaborated on March 21, 2024, to organise a successful student exchange programme. This initiative aimed to foster cultural exchange and provide global learning opportunities for 29 students from GIIS SMART Campus, Singapore, who embarked on an educational trip to South Korea.

One of the highlights of the exchange was the opportunity for the GIIS students to attend classes alongside their Korean counterparts. This firsthand experience allowed them to witness the teaching methodologies and curriculum used at Dwight International School, which follows the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. The students were particularly impressed by the emphasis on inquiry-based learning and the development of skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving.

In addition to the academic component, the exchange programme included engaging discussions with the Head of School, Vice-Head of School, Theory of Knowledge supervisor and Extended Essay supervisor. The students got to engage in a question-answer session through which they gained valuable insights into the IB curriculum and its unique approach to learning. They partook in lively discussions with the supervisor, asking questions about the challenges and rewards of the EE and ToK process, as well as the ways in which it prepares students for the rigors of university-level research.

The success of this student exchange programme is a testament to the commitment of GIIS and Dwight International School to providing their students with transformative learning experiences. By facilitating such initiatives, these institutions are empowering the next generation of leaders to navigate the increasingly interconnected world with confidence and cultural sensitivity. 


Bhakti Birla

IBDP Year 1E


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