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May 03, 2024

From Graduation to Innovation: A month of milestones

Dear Parents, 


As we step into a new school year, we are excited to share with you the vibrant happenings from the past month through this newsletter. It's been a month filled with celebration and new beginnings for our students and parents alike.


The month began with a wave of excitement as we bid farewell to our graduating students of CBSE 12, celebrating their achievements and embracing the promise of new beginnings. We also honoured the academic and co-scholastic accomplishments of our Classes 4-9 & CBSE 11 students at the Global School Awards ceremony, acknowledging their hard work and dedication.


Students had the chance to explore their musical talents at a lively music workshop led by Sheykhar Ravjiyani. The beats of Kathak dance came alive in an engaging workshop by the renowned Guru Minhaz Khan, captivating the students of Class 7.


The GIIS Tech Club organised a series of workshops on various aspects of the tech world, including Web Development, App Development, Game Development, and Robotics/Hardware. These workshops aimed to inspire creativity, broaden horizons, and ignite a passion for innovation among students.


In line with our commitment to student well-being, we launched a comprehensive well-being programme to nurture their mental and emotional health. Our Earth Day celebrations saw students actively participating in initiatives promoting sustainability and eco-awareness.


Parents also had a chance to join in the spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition through a lively badminton tournament. An engaging webinar on the prevalent Gym Culture among teens helped parents gain valuable insights into parenting. Additionally, their participation in a noble blood donation drive highlighted our collective commitment to making a positive impact on society.


As we look back on the events of the past month, we are excited about the journey ahead, filled with learning, growth, and memorable experiences for all.



Sheeja KP

Deputy Principal, GIIS SMART Campus



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