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April 05, 2024

From Apathy to Action: Being Changemakers

Dear Parents,


Greetings !


What is a burning issue that you want to help solve?

This is a key question for any aspiring changemaker.


Changemakers refers to individuals or groups  that actively seek to make positive changes in their communities or in the world at large. In short they strive to move from apathy to action. These individuals often identify issues or areas for improvement and take action to address them, whether through entrepreneurship, creativity or innovation. Changemakers can impact any area or field of learning including environmental sustainability, education, healthcare, technology, and beyond. They may work independently or collaboratively with others who share their goals, and values. Changemakers often possess qualities such as passion, determination, creativity, resilience, and empathy. They are willing to challenge the existing status, overcome obstacles, and persevere in the face of adversity to bring about meaningful change.


At GIIS, we provide opportunities to students to become changemakers by harnessing their passion, creativity, and energy to address issues they care about within the school , local community or on a bigger scale.


The students are challenged to find their flame-

·  by reflecting on the issues that they are passionate about whether it's environmental sustainability, mental health awareness, gender equality, or any other pressing issue.

·  by narrowing down the challenge through detailed and in-depth research on the issue to understand its root causes, impacts, and potential solutions,

·  by checking their motivation and approach towards taking action through awareness-raising campaigns,  organising clean-up drives, fundraising events, presentations, workshops, events, social media campaigns and other advocacy efforts .


Some of the key skills that student develop during their journey of making big impacts are-

a) Collaborative skills- where collaboration with peers, teachers, parents, local organisations and community leaders amplify their efforts.

b) Digital & Tech Skills-  where students leverage on technology and digital platforms to reach a wider audience , organise events and mobilise support for their cause.

c) Leadership Skills- where students lead by example while modelling attributes of empathy, inclusivity ,  activism and inspiring others to get involved.

d) Adaptive Skills- where they become open to learning from both successes and failures and adapt their approach based on new information and feedback.

e) Reflective Skills- where students work towards ensuring sustainability of their efforts by building systems that allow their initiatives to continue and grow over time.


The month of March saw students involved in their Semester 2 exams. The students excelled and rejoiced at the culmination of their academic journey on March 21, 2024- the result declaration day. CBSE Grade 10 and 12 students took their final board exams and we hope and pray for them to receive the best of the outcomes.


GIIS Model Congress intends to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the parliamentary process. This is an opportunity for young aspiring leaders to discuss, debate, and interact on important issues that mimic the real work of Parliaments around the world. This year the event was conducted 28th, 30th and 31st March 2024 and the committees this year included different stages from Beginner: United States Senate and Singapore Parliament, Intermediate: Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, Advanced: Russian Federation, Council of Knóstis and Three Way Crisis Committee and Press: MSNBC (Left Wing) and Fox News (Right Wing).


At GIIS, we care deeply about the wellbeing of our entire community. We realise that good mental health is crucial for the welfare of our entire community. The theme for this month was ‘Give “. Students decide what they can “give” someone - it could be a helping hand, a listening ear, a hug, volunteering their time or simply being there for someone who needs them. The challenge is to give something which doesn’t involve money or material things, but to share our physical presence and energy.


The Red Cross Youth GIIS Chapter's Blood Donation Drive was organised on March 30, 31, and April 6. Blood is needed to save lives in times of emergencies and to sustain the lives of those with medical conditions, like leukaemia, and bleeding disorders, as well as patients who are undergoing major surgeries. For many patients, blood donors are their lifeline. One unit of blood can save three lives! In Singapore, 15 units of blood are used every hour of the day. We need about 120,000 units of blood to meet the transfusion needs of patients every year, equivalent to more than 400 units of blood a day. 


Chess is a rich and rewarding game that challenges players intellectually and provides endless opportunities for learning and improvement. Whether played for fun or pursued competitively, chess remains a timeless and beloved pastime for enthusiasts around the globe. Chess Conquest Online (CQO), an online tournament hosted by the GIIS Chess Club on March 18 for all GIIS students. The tournament promised a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone- whether a seasoned player or a newcomer to the chess world.


It was an extraordinary day for us on March 24 when we welcomed His Excellency Dr. S Jaishankar. With insightful discussions on India's history, its special bond with Singapore, and the enduring legacy of Netaji, our students were truly inspired. Interacting with Dr. Jaishankar, they gained valuable perspectives on global citizenship and leadership. Addressing audience questions, Dr. Jaishankar discussed India's AI initiatives, his personal journey from officer to Minister, and his perspectives on brain drain and global relations. Engaging with students, he encouraged cultural awareness, innovation, and resilience, advocating for holistic skill development.


A service-learning journey is a transformative educational experience that combines community service with structured learning opportunities. It involves students actively engaging in service activities that address real community needs while also reflecting on and integrating their experiences into their academic learning. Our students embarked on service learning journeys to Medan, Indonesia and Seoul, South Korea from March 19- March 24, 2024. Students had memorable experiences and gained insights on valuable lessons of life, fostering deep learning and personal growth, empowering them to become active and engaged citizens committed to creating positive change in the world.


The career counselling department organised sessions and talks from Cambridge University, University of McGill, Group of 5 Canadian Universities Session-Carleton University, Dalhousie University, Huron University, University of Victoria, Western University, University of Western Ontario to familiarise and guide students on university admission requirements.


The beginning of a new academic session marks a fresh start and an opportunity for students to pursue learning, growth, and excellence in education by bringing in innovative changes.  As the new session begins with hope and positivity, we look forward to another year of action, events, student exchange- with Long Road Sixth form College from Cambridge, UK,  Global School Awards to appreciate and recognise students achievements, Graduation Ceremony of CBSE 12 students, GenZ challenge, parent engagement webinar & activities under well being theme -CARE. 


Extra-curricular activities and co-curricular activities are not just additional facets of education; they are essential pillars that support the holistic development of a child. Our GIIS Nine Gems teaching methodology is an integrated holistic approach to learning. Through ECA and CCA, students discover passions, hone talents, and cultivate vital life skills that extend far beyond the confines of the classroom. Range of choices have been made available to students to pursue their passion and bring a noticeable change in the new academic session.


Overall, students as changemakers play a crucial role in driving progress and addressing some of the most pressing challenges faced by society today. Their efforts contribute to building more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable communities and shaping a better future for generations to come.


We believe firmly in words of ? Israelmore Ayivor,


“Show the world you are not here to just pass through. Leave great footprints wherever you pass and be remembered for the change you initiated.”


Wishing everyone an exciting and fruitful new academic year ahead.


Ms Deepika Sodhi

Deputy Principal, GIIS SMART Campus


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