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May 08, 2024

Engaging activities and educational insights in April

Dear Parents,



We're delighted to welcome everyone back for another exciting year of learning and growth! As the new academic year gets underway, we've already witnessed several engaging events that set the tone for a successful year.

We kicked things off on a positive note by commemorating Earth Day with a special class assembly dedicated to raising awareness about our planet's well-being.  The assembly served as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to protect the environment and highlighted the importance of sustainable practices.

For our PYP parents, informative sessions were held to delve into the curriculum's details. These sessions provided a comprehensive understanding of the PYP framework and its unique approach to fostering young learners' intellectual, social, and emotional development.

The CBSE department also hosted a virtual information session for parents. This interactive session addressed all questions posed about the curriculum and provided valuable insights into the academic journey ahead.

We're impressed by the active participation and enthusiasm displayed by both students and parents. We look forward to many more enriching experiences throughout the year. 



Rekha Varghese

Vice Principal, SMART Campus


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