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April 05, 2024

A time of reflection and new beginnings

Dear Parents,


March was a whirlwind of activity here at school! As the academic year drew to a close, CBSE students tackled their final exams, demonstrating their dedication and hard work throughout the year. We commend them on their efforts. 


Our PYP students truly embraced March! We were all thrilled by the vibrant energy of their annual day celebration in the form of a musical based on Roald Dahl’s famous book, “Charlie and the Chocolate factory”. It was a showcase of their talent, creativity, and the culmination of their learning journey.  


Following the annual day, a fun week packed with engaging activities provided a perfect way to end the year on a high note. The PYP sports day was a fantastic display of teamwork, sportsmanship, and healthy competition. It was wonderful to see students participating with enthusiasm and cheering each other on. A fun carnival with games saw the students and even the teachers enjoying to the fullest. 


As the current academic year concludes, the air is buzzing with excitement as we gear up for the next one. We are working diligently to curate a new year filled with engaging learning experiences that will build upon the strong foundations laid this year. 


In the meantime, we wish all our students a restful and enjoyable break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for a fresh start in the new academic year!



Rekha Varghese

Vice Principal, SMART Campus


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