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April 02, 2024

It was an enriching year at GIIS Noida

Dear Parents,

As we approach the end of another academic year, I am filled with immense gratitude and appreciation for your unconditional support and commitment to our school community. Your partnership and involvement have been instrumental in making this academic year beyond successful.

I take this message as a chance to share that our students have achieved remarkable milestones in the years gone by.

Our students excelled in CBSE Board Examinations and Olympiads, earning numerous gold and silver medals. New initiatives like the Blood Donation Camp and National Entrepreneurship Fest showcased our students' altruism and entrepreneurial spirit. Bagless Day provided a refreshing break from traditional learning, while Innovation Week and Pet Week fostered creativity and empathy.

Special assemblies celebrated India's cultural diversity, and various industry visits sparked curiosity. Collaborations with the Art of Living promoted well-being. I am also delighted to share that our students actively participated in a plastic collection drive, collecting a commendable 102 kg of plastic, which was sent for recycling. This highlights their sense of environmental responsibility and civic consciousness.

Together, we've created a dynamic learning community where students thrive.

Furthermore, our students demonstrated exceptional prowess in sports throughout the year. GIIS Noida boasts numerous national players across a diverse range of disciplines such as skating, football, cricket, badminton, swimming, chess, and martial arts. Additionally, many students from various grades showcased their talent in CBSE Cluster Competitions for chess, judo, and more, earning big accolades for their remarkable performances.

These outstanding athletes not only brought pride to our school with their accomplishments but also inspired their peers to set ambitious goals and overcome challenges.

I would like to this opportunity to share that we are coming up with some exciting during-school and after-school programmes that will begin in the new academic session. Students will get a chance to learn courses and get trained by acclaimed industry experts.

Furthermore, we are thrilled to announce a 10-day summer camp featuring a range of exciting activities. From outdoor adventures to creative workshops, this camp promises a unique and enriching experience for our students. I would also like to share that we are coming up with some new activities that will be conducted after school hours within the school premises. Do encourage your wards to explore these opportunities as it will add an extra dimension to their personality while simultaneously enriching their skill set.

Lastly, before I conclude, I once again would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to each of you for your unmatched support, encouragement, and partnership. Together, we have created a vibrant and inclusive learning community where every student can thrive and succeed.

Wishing a great year filled with joy, laughter, and cherished memories.

Best Wishes,

Ganesh Sharma

Principal, GIIS Noida

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