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May 07, 2024

GIIS Noida hosts another Career Day for senior segment

Global Indian International School, Noida recently hosted its second Career Day on 4th May 2024, as part of its ongoing Career Counselling and University Guidance Programme. Aimed at students from Grade VIII onwards and their parents, the event featured three dynamic speakers from diverse professional backgrounds.

Ms. Sonam Mishra, Senior Vice President at Barclays Bank and a Chartered Accountant with over 20 years of experience, kicked off the event. With her insights, she introduced students to the world of accountancy, shedding light on the various levels of exams and sharing her personal journey and challenges as a CA.

Next up was Ms. Megha Shisodiya, an Assistant Professor at the School of Design and Visual Arts at Manav Rachna University and an alumnus of NIFT Delhi. Her session focused on the vast scope of design-related careers, highlighting the different streams in design and guiding students on the path to pursuing a career in this creative field.

Lastly, students had the opportunity to hear from Mr. Aniruddha Deshmukh, a Supreme Court Advocate and an alumnus of NLU Bangalore. Mr. Deshmukh provided invaluable insights into the legal profession, offering a glimpse into the life of a lawyer and engaging students with role plays to demystify legal terminologies and challenges.

The session was not only informative but also interactive, with students actively participating and posing thoughtful questions. Speaking directly with industry professionals provided students with a practical perspective on various careers inspired them to explore new possibilities and broadened their horizons.

Overall, the Career Day at GIIS Noida was a resounding success, leaving students with a deeper understanding of potential career paths and igniting their curiosity to pursue their passions. With events like these, GIIS Noida continues to empower its students to make informed decisions about their future and embark on exciting career journeys.

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