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March 08, 2024

GIIS Nagpur’s First Annual Day celebration was a glorious event

GIIS Nagpur hosted its first-ever Annual Day celebrations on the theme “Sarva Dharma Prarthana - Diversity Across the Globe” at the state-of-the-art Multipurpose Hall. It was an unforgettable celebration of talent and creativity where our students dazzled the audience with mesmerising dances, music, and songs.

The event was a visual treat for all the attendees, as the students beautifully depicted the different facets of India through dance, music, and drama. From traditional folk dances to modern interpretations of Indian art forms, the performances truly captured the essence of the various dance forms of the world. 

Our esteemed chief guests are Mr Vikas Khurana (Theatre Thespian), Ms Neeta Temburnikar, Mr Sanjeev Dubey, and Mr Kedar Gokhale brought a touch of dignity to the event. The day began on a spiritual note, with a lamp-lighting ceremony followed by Ganesh Vandana. Mr. Vikas Khurana delivered a heartfelt speech on developing emotional intelligence and empathy among young learners.

From global dances representing Korea, Africa, and Singapore to the folk dances of Maratha, Gujarat, and Karnataka, our students took the audience on an incredible journey around the world. Through captivating performances, intricate displays, and heartfelt speeches, the event served as a poignant reminder of the world’s vast and varied geographical landscapes.

A heartfelt thank you to parents, students, teachers, and all those who joined us for this extraordinary celebration! Your presence made our 1st Annual Day truly unforgettable.

Through our 9 GEMS pedagogy, we ensure a truly innovative programme that uses an age-appropriate and adaptive approach to allow students to evolve as they grow.

Overall, the first annual day celebration at GIIS Nagpur was a resounding success that left everyone in awe of the beauty and diversity of our world. 


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