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February 05, 2024

Apple Volcano - Young learners at GIIS Nagpur embark on a scientific adventure

GIIS Nagpur organised a  “Thinking Thursday” activity for students from grades 1 & 2.  ‘Thinking Thursday’ encourages children to be more involved in nature and reason with the world of science, technology, maths, and other disciplines. Further, it helps them form a strong foundation of process skills which ultimately leads to proficient reasoning, analytical, and problem-solving skills. 

The young learners at GIIS Nagpur embarked on an intriguing concept of “Apple Volcano” - an experiment aimed to stimulate their curiosity and provide them with a hands-on learning experience. The children eagerly participated in the experiment, observing and engaging with the experiment witnessing the eruption of “apple volcano.” 

The experiment utilized household ingredients such as apples and baking soda concocted scientifically resulting in the eruption of a mock volcano. The children cheered at the smoke erupting from an apple. The 'apple volcano' experiment proved to be a fantastic opportunity for our young learners to explore scientific concepts in a fun and interactive way. We were delighted to witness their joy and enthusiasm throughout the experiment and look forward to more such experiences in the future.

At GIIS Nagpur, our core value of having a curriculum induced with fun and happy elements makes learning a highly productive and enjoyable exercise for our students. 

We realize that success in the contemporary world relies not just on aptitude, but also on creativity. Through our 9 GEMS pedagogy, we ensure a truly innovative programme that uses an age-appropriate and adaptive approach to allow students to evolve as they grow. The idea to celebrate this week was to spread the message about the importance of happiness and well-being in our daily lives.


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