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April 11, 2017

Young GIIS entrepreneurs pitch their ideas at the #GIISBootcamp

GIIS-EC Junior Model United Nations

In April 2017, Global Indian International School (GIIS), Singapore organised a three day entrepreneurship boot camp for GIIS students from classes 9-12, conducted by Adjunct Professor Ash Singh, Entrepreneur-in-Residence at INSEAD Business School, Singapore.

An initiative under the Global Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (GCIE), this boot camp had 26 enthusiastic participants from GIIS who pitched their ideas with passion to potential investors - Paul Kewene-Hite, Professor of Entrepreneurship INSEAD, Creator INSEAD startup bootcamp, Technology Evangelist at Apple and Prashant Agarwal - Director -Edge (AIA Group Innovation).

The students were grouped into separate teams and each team had to come up with an idea to pitch to the investors. The name of the teams and their ideas are as follows, Soul Tunes (connecting aspiring musicians), Magna (meta search app related to cloths shopping), Ace Spec Ops (robotics and software solutions for construction), Battery Heaven (eco-friendly power banks) and Status (Mood Detector app).

The students polished their skills in idea generation through hands-on workshops, followed by strategy and business modelling. Mr Singh took them on an experiential journey that started at the creative spark of an idea, through the development of that idea to finally pitching it to real investors who may end up investing their capital to back some of the ideas.

GCIE’s intensive three-day programme ended on Sunday with a “pitch day” where students pitched their start up ideas to potential investors for their finales. The winning team was Soul Tunes, whose idea was to connect aspiring musicians to the industry. The names of the winners are as follows, Branden Marc Braganza, Sadhana Balaji, Siddharth Singh, Deethya Ganesh, Mrithika Om Prakash and Shubham Sangvhi.

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